Friday , 14 February 2025

Update : Major shakeup in Army as COAS, Lt.-Gen. Oluyede, appoints new PSOs, GOCs, others

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Olufemi Oluyede, has approved the posting/appointment of some senior officers to various command, staff and instructional positions.

Army spokesman, Maj.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, who announced this in a statement on Saturday, January 11, explained the posting/appointment was part of the COAS strategic moves to enhance operational effectiveness and administrative efficiency of the Nigerian Army.

Maj.-Gen. Nwachukwu said the redeployment also underscores Nigerian Army’s commitment to ensuring robust and dynamic leadership structure capable of addressing emerging security challenges.

He said the redeployment cuts across Principal Staff Officers (PSOs) at the Army Headquarters (AHQ), General Officers Commanding (GOCs), Corps Commanders, Commandants of Army training institutions, Brigade Commanders and other key positions.

Some of the senior officers appointed as Principal Staff Officers at the Army Headquarters, according to the army spokesman, are: Maj.-Gen LA Fejokwuw who is moved from National Defence College to Department of Army Administration and appointed Chief of Administration (Army); Maj.-Gen GU Chibuisi, from Nigerian Army Resource Centre to Department of Civil Military Affairs and appointed Chief of Civil Military Affairs and Maj.-Gen AS Ndalolo, also from the Nigerian Army Resource Centre to Department of Army Training and appointed Chief of Training (Army).

Others are: Maj.-Gen OS Abai, from Department of Army Training to Department of Army Transformation and Innovation, appointed Chief of Transformation and Innovation and Maj.- Gen JH Abdussalam from Headquarters 6 Division to the Department of Special Services and Programmes and appointed Chief of Special Services and Programmes. Maj.-Gen EI Okoro has been redeployed from the Department of Army Logistics to the Department of Military Secretary and appointed Military Secretary (Army).

The senior officers appointed as General Officers Commanding (GOCs), according to Maj.-Gen.Nwachukwu include Maj.-Gen OT Olatoye from Nigerian Army School of Infantry to Headquarters 82 Division/Joint Task Force (JTF) South East Operation UDO KA (OPUK) as GOC 82 Division/Commander JTF OPUK and Maj.- Gen EF Oyinlola from Department of Military Secretary to Headquarters 3 Division as GOC 3 Division/ Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH).

The Army spokesman said that the COAS has also confirmed the appointment of Maj.-Gen AGL Haruna as GOC 7 Division/Commander Sector 1 JTF North East Operation HADIN KAI and Maj Gen IA Ajose as GOC 8 Division/Commander Sector 2 JTF North West Operation FANSAN YANMA, respectively have been confirmed substantive in the recent redeployment.

He said: “Other senior officers redeployed are Maj.-Gen GO Adeshina from Headquarters Nigerian Army Signals to Nigerian Army Heritage and Future Centre and appointed Director General while Maj.- Gen GM Mutkut is posted from Nigerian Army Heritage and Future Centre to Headquarters MultiNational Joint Task Force Njamena as the Force Commander.

“The redeployment also featured Maj Gen MC Kangye from Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery to Defence Headquarters as the Director Media Operations.

“Senior officers appointed as Corps Commanders include Maj.-Gen OC Ajunwa from Nigerian Army Heritage and Future Centre to Headquarters Nigerian Army Armour Corps and appointed Commander, Maj.-Gen HT Wesley from the Department of Special Services and Programmes to Headquarters Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps, appointed Commander and Maj.-Gen TT Numbere from Nigerian Army Heritage and Future Centre to Headquarters Nigerian Army Engineers and appointed Commander. Others include Maj.-Gen NC Ugbo from Department of Civil Military Affairs to Headquarters Nigerian Army Signals and appointed Commander, Maj.-Gen ZL Abubakar from Department of Army Transformation and Innovation to Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery and appointed Commander and Maj.-Gen AP Oguntola from Nigerian Army College of Education Science and Technology to Headquarters Nigerian Army Education Corps and appointed Corps Commander.

“Other senior officers also affected in the redeployment are Maj.-Gen JO Sokoya, appointed Commandant Nigerian Army Training Centre, Maj.-Gen UM Alkali appointed Commandant Army War College Nigeria, while Maj.-Gen FS Etim from Department of Army Transformation and Innovation is redeployed to Nigerian Army School of Infantry and appointed Commandant. Maj.-Gen AB Mohammed has been redeployed from the Department of Army Operations to Depot Nigerian Army and appointed commandant.

“Other newly appointed senior officers are Maj.-Gen IE Ekpenyong now Commandant Nigerian Army School of Military Engineering and Maj.-Gen AO Adegbite appointed Commandant Nigerian Army School of Supply and Transport, while Brig.- Gen AM Umar is redeployed from Army War College Nigeria to Warrant Officers Academy and appointed Commandant, among others.”

Maj.-Gen. Nwachukwu said the COAS charged newly appointed senior officers to bring renewed vigor, dedication and commitment to their duties, “particularly while ensuring the sustenance of the ongoing onslaught against terrorism, insurgency and other threats to national security.”

“He equally charged them to ensure that the welfare of troops remain paramount as they assume their new appointments,” he said.

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